About Us

At Vibe Dance Studios we create a positive and nurturing environment to allow all students to learn in a safe space.

Our dance studio caters for all levels of experience, with classes for beginners as well as those wanting to challenge their dancing. 

Our Recreational Stream includes various styles of dance, and is available to all students.  Our Performance Team is via audition only, for those wanting to develop their teamwork and dance in competitions. Performance opportunities are given to all students through our Mid-Year Showcase and End-of-Year Concert.

Vibe Dance Studios follows safe dance practice to train students in correct technique, while increasing each student’s flexibility, strength, coordination and confidence.

Wanting to experience a class before signing up? Contact Us to book a free trial!

Come Vibe with us!

Timetable & Fees

Monday Afternoon
3:30-4:15Junior Hip Hop (Year 2-3)Jessie
4:15-5:00Musical Theatre
(Year 1 & Up)
5:00-5:45Senior Lyrical (Year 7 & Up)Jessie
5:45-6:30Senior Hip Hop
(Year 7 & Up)
6:30-7:30Hip Hop Performance TeamJessie
Tuesday Morning
10:00-10:30Baby Ballet C (3-5.5 years)Sarah
10:30-11:00Tiny’s Jazz B (3-5 years)Sarah
Tuesday Afternoon
3:30-4:15Mini Hip Hop (Kindy-Year 1)Jessie
4:15-5:00Intermediate Hip Hop
(Year 4-6)
5:00-5:45Intermediate Jazz (Year 4-6)Jessie
5:45-6:45Jazz Performance TeamJessie
6:45-7:30Senior Jazz (Year 7 & Up)Jessie
7:30-8:30Intermediate BalletSarah
Wednesday Morning
10:00-11:00Beginner Adult BalletSarah
Wednesday Afternoon
3:30-4:15Junior Jazz (Year 2-3)Sarah
4:15-5:00Junior Lyrical (Year 2-3)Sarah
5:00-5:45Intermediate Lyrical
(Year 4-6)
5:45-7:00Intermediate Foundation A BalletSarah
7:00-8:00Adult BalletSarah
Thursday Afternoon
3:30-4:15Mini Lyrical/Jazz
(Kindy – Year 1)
4:15-5:15Grade 1 Ballet (Year 2)Sarah
5:15-6:15Lyrical Performance TeamSarah
6:15-7:30Intermediate Foundation B BalletSarah
7:30-8:30Intermediate BalletSarah
Friday Morning
10:00-11:00Intermediate Adult BalletSarah
11:00-12:00Beginner Adult BalletSarah
Friday Afternoon
3:30-4:30PBT & PDTTennealle
4:30-5:30Grade 1 Ballet (Year 2)Tennealle
5:30-6:30Grade 2/3 Ballet (Year 3/4)Tennealle
6:30-7:30Grade 4 Ballet (Year 5)Tennealle
7:30-8:30Intermediate Foundation B BalletTennealle
Saturday Morning
8:45-9:15Baby Ballet A (3-4.5 years)Charlize
9:30-10:00Tiny’s Jazz A (3-5 years)Charlize
10:00-10:30Baby Ballet B
(4.5-5.5 years)
10:30-11:15Mini Jazz/Hip Hop
(Kindy -Year 1)
11:15-12:00Junior Jazz/Hip Hop
(Year 2-3)
Saturday Afternoon
12:00-1:00Primary Ballet (Year 1)Nerissa
1:00-2:00Grade 2 Ballet (Year 3)Nerissa
2:00-3:00Grade 3 Ballet (Year 4)Nerissa
3:00-4:00Grade 4 Ballet (Year 5)Nerissa
4:00-5:15Intermediate Foundation A BalletNerissa

Dance Class Fees (per 10-week term):

  • 30 Minute Class = $159 per term
  • 45 Minute Class = $213 per term
  • 60 Minute Class = $230 per term
  • Senior Ballet Classes 75 Minutes = $303 per term
  • Adult Ballet Classes 60 Minutes = $175 per term

A 10% discount is given for the 2nd and any additional class a student enrols in (up to 6 classes).

Siblings are given a 5% discount on their first class, and a 10% discount on subsequent classes (up to 6 classes).

Unlimited Dance Class Package: After 6 classes are paid for, the student may do as many classes as they wish for the same price of $1,237 per term. 

Private Class Fees:

30-minute private class fee is $35.


  • Unpaid fees will incur a $20 admin fee if not paid by the due date on the invoice.
  • Classes that fall on a public holiday will not be refunded, however students are invited to participate in other make up classes to cover that date.
  • Pro Rata is only given to new students who start late in a term, not for being absent during the term.

Contact Us

Address: 21 Tramore Place Killarney Heights 2087 NSW

Email: enquiries@vibedancestudios.com.au

Mobile: 0432 636 043